
Showing posts from July, 2017

The Breckenridge Zoo

As mentioned, Dave and Sara came to visit. Dave was interested in seeing animals and we had just come down from the Hoosier Ridge hike. I had seen mountain goats at one spot a few years back and suggested that we go for a look. "eagle eye" Sara, or Laser Lady, spotted them first, high up on the rocks. So, as we waited and looked, took out the binoculars, etc, a small group began to descend and head towards us.... closer, closer... until they were literally right next to us, including some newborn kids. So we added Mountain Goats to Dave's list of "never seen" animals. We walked around more and spotted pica and marmots. The marmots were a family of two adults and what might have been 3-4 new borns.  We all were pretty happy seeing all these animals in a very limited space --- the Breckenridge Zoo. On the way back to the house "Eagle Eye" did it again and spotted 3 young moose in a pond on the side of the road. We stopped, took pictures and point

Hoosier Daddy?

Our friends Dave and Sara came to visit from Salt Lake City, - -where it was certainly hot and somewhat humid. They most assuredly weren't going to miss SLC since at Breck is was 75F and low humidity, except after the 2:00 rain showers. We decided to hike the Hoosier Ridge along the Continental Divide. The goal was to hike along this long ridge until we decided to stop. It didn't take long until we were above treeline facing up the hill. The trail direction would be simple, just go up, and for the most part, make your own trail. The entire ridge was covered with low growing alpine flowers, so Dave figured that instead of bushwhacking, we were flower-whacking.  The hike took us over a number of false summits until we gained a high of about 12,800, where it looked like it turned more into a rolling set of ups and downs. This is where we stopped, but it was also a great spot since we have a 360 view. We also decided to turn around since the weather was changing and we could

funky barn

Somewhere near Steamboat

Dumont Lake Meadows

We passed Dumont Lake on the drive to Steamboat Springs. WOW! Huge fields of wildflowers --  I was in hog heaven. Just kept taking pictures, and being there and just looking is far better than you can get from a photo. There were acres of wildflowers! But here are some. Everywhere you could see was blanketed in wildflowers Red White and Blue Huge expanse of yellow Huge Field of White